How to create an avatar and Join!




Second Life: How to “join” Second Life and create an avatar



To join:

1.     Go to

2.     Click the “Join Now” button

3.     Fill out the entire page completely.  You will be asked for your name, birthdate (Second Life is for those 18 and older), etc.

a.     Create your avatar’s first name

b.    Choose a Last Name from the list

c.     Create a password

d.    Choose an avatar – there are 12 to choose from and adjustments can be made once you are inworld

e.    Create a Security question and answer

4.     Click “Create Account” at the bottom of the page

5.     You will then be asked to check your email for an activation note.  Follow the instructions on the website for activating your account from your email.

6.     Download the Second Life application from the Second Life website to your computer. 

7.     Logon using your avatar name and password



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We will be happy to meet you in Second Life and show you the ropes.



Deni Wicklund (Artemis Jacks in SL)

Esther Grassian (Alexandria Knight in SL)